This is the second article in a series on understanding monads in Haskell. If you have not already, feel free to check out the other posts below:

  1. Functors in Haskell
  2. Applicative Functors
  3. Understanding Monads
  4. Parsing Arithmetic with Monads

In this article, we will build on functors, introduced in part one, to introduce applicative functors. Applicative functors, or applicatives, essentially allow you to fmap functions of multiple variables over multiple different values of the same functor instance. For example, they allow you to add two Maybe values together. Despite being a superset of monads, applicatives are in my opinion far more difficult to understand. If you can understand applicatives, then monads will be significantly easier to understand in part three.

An Evolution of Functor

Functors in Haskell are wrappers for values of a certain type, with a means to promote normal functions to work on them. Specifically, the function fmap in the Functor typeclass takes a function of type a -> b and produces another of type f a -> f b for some functor f, which applies the original function to values stored inside. However, functors do not allow us to promote a function of multiple variables (eg of type a -> b -> c) to work on a functor. For example, we cannot multiply two Maybe Int values with fmap alone.

This is where applicative functors come in. Some examples of applicatives include Maybe, [], IO, and all of the monads. They provide a means for you to apply a function to multiple functorial arguments. The way this works is counterintuitive – you use fmap on a multivariate function and one functor argument to embed a partially applied function in the functor, and then use the <*> operator for applicatives to evaluate a functor filled with functions on a functor filled with values, and you continue this process until all the arguments have been supplied. When you consider we could be working with highly non-trivial functors like trees, it becomes even more difficult – what does it mean to apply a tree of partially applied functions to a tree of values? Is there even a logically consistent way to do so? We will work through this concept one step at a time with examples aplenty, but it suffices to say applicatives are very difficult to understand.

A few notes before we start:

  1. Not all functors can become applicatives. Many can, some cannot. Just something to keep in mind. The same goes for monads: not all applicatives can become monads.
  2. Not every functor should be made an applicative functor. For instance, while the applicative style may make sense for Maybe where you can use it to apply binary functions that fail if either argument is Nothing, it does not make much sense for BinaryTree. What does it mean to apply a tree of functions to a tree of values? Even if it is possible to define an applicative instance that upholds all of the rules, outside of very specific use cases, it is not very practical to do so.
  3. There may be multiple ways to define an applicative functor for the same functor, in the same way you can define multiple monoids over the same set. An example we will investigate further is the two list applicative functors, [] and ZipList.

The Applicative Typeclass

I have included the minimal definition of the Applicative typeclass below:

class Functor f => Applicative f where
  pure :: a -> f a
  (<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

The first thing you will notice is the Functor constraint. This means GHC will complain if you define an Applicative instance without an accompanying Functor instance, even though as we will see you can always define a Functor in terms of an Applicative via fmap f a = pure f <*> a.

The second line has the pure function, which ‘lifts’ a value of any type into the functor. The idea here is that functors provide context, and pure allows you to put a value in a functor with minimal/default context. For Maybe, that means pure x should really be defined as Just x and not Nothing, because Just is the default, in a sense.

Remember that function types a -> b are types too, so pure can lift a function inside the functor. What I mean by this is if we are working with the Maybe applicative, pure (+1) becomes Just (+1) with type Maybe (a -> a) (where a is numeric of course).

The second function in the Applicative typeclass is the more intimidating <*> operator. You may notice similarity to the type signature of fmap; I have included both below for comparison:

(<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap  ::    a -> b  -> f a -> f b

The only difference is that for <*>, the function we are applying inside our functor is actually embedded inside our applicative functor, like Just (+1) was above. This is where the idea of lifting a function into our functor via pure comes in handy: for fn :: a -> b, pure fn has type f (a -> b), so pure fn <*> a has type f b, where f is an applicative and a is a functorial value. This means that fmap fn a is equivalent to pure fn <*> a, so you can define the functor instance of any corresponding applicative functor by simply writing:

-- we have to already have an Applicative instance
-- to use pure and <*>; but this works for all applicatives
instance Functor SomeApplicative where
  fmap f x = pure f <*> x

Now, you may be wondering what the point of all this is. If the type of the embedded function is a -> b, we can only use it for functions with one parameter, right? Once again, remember that we can hide functions in type variables as functions have concrete types too. By this, I mean in a -> b, b could actually be the type c -> d -> e, depending on context. The reason this is important is that f (a -> b) could actually refer to a function of several variables. When we apply <*> to our first functorial argument, we produce f b. If b is a function type, this means we have partially applied one argument to our embedded functions. We now once again have a type f (a -> b) if we hide the remaining arguments in our b type variable. So in the example given, after applying <*> once, a is c, and b is d -> e. This means we can apply two more arguments of type f c and f d using <*> to finally get a result of type f e.

To illustrate this process, think about the expression pure (+) <*> Just a <*> Just b. Note that <*> is left-associative, so a<*>b<*>c == (a<*>b)<*>c. First, we embed (+) in the Maybe applicative, getting (Just (+) <*> Just a) <*> Just b. Then, we apply the first <*>, which means we apply the embedded (+) to the embedded a and get the partially applied Just (+a) <*> Just b. Finally, we apply the second <*> and get Just (a+b).

This means that <*> partially applied the embedded functions with the embedded value. We can repeat this process for functions of more than two variables by adding as many <*> another_arg terms as we need. Taking this to the logical extreme, if we have a function that evaluates a quadratic equation \(ax^2+bx+c\) for some \(a,b,c,x\), and we are using Maybe values, this could be written as follows. Aside: <$> is an infix synonym for fmap, so fmap f x == f <$> x == pure f <*> x. It is often convenient to use <$> to apply the first argument and embed the function at the same time, as below.

quadratic :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
quadratic a b c x = a*x^2 + b*x + c

-- the following are both equivalent to: Just (quadratic 3 4 (-2) 9)
quadratic <$> (Just 3) <*> (Just 4) <*> (Just (-2)) <*> Just (9)
pure quadratic <*> (Just 3) <*> (Just 4) <*> (Just (-2)) <*> Just (9)

Deriving Applicative Maybe

As with the Functor Maybe instance, we pattern match and return Nothing if either operand is Nothing, otherwise we return Just (f x). A simple implementation is included below.

instance Applicative Maybe where
  pure = Just
  (Just f) <*> (Just x) = Just (f x)
  _ <*> _ = Nothing

Using this instance we can now write (+) <$> Just 2 <*> Just 3, and see Just 5 pop up in GHCi. Neat!

We will now briefly take a look at the laws for applicatives. Similarly to functors, there are certain rules your implementation must abide by, which the Haskell compiler cannot enforce. These rules, taken directly from the documentation, are listed below. Compared to the Functor and Monad laws, these are quite involved. I have included a simple proof of the identity law for our Maybe instance; the rest are left as an exercise (don’t worry, they are not too tricky).

  1. Identity: pure id <*> x == x. This is equivalent to the identity law for Functor instances, fmap id x == x, if the Applicative instance is correct. This law needs to be verified even if the Functor instance is valid.

  2. Composition: pure (.) <*> u <*> v <*> w == u <*> (v <*> w). This is difficult to understand, but what it says is that (u . v) w == u (v w), only u, v are applicatives with functions embedded in them, and w is a normal applicative value. If rule one holds, this is equivalent to (.) <$> u <*> v <*> w == u <*> (v <*> w).

  3. Homomorphism: pure f <*> pure x == pure (f x). This is fairly easy to understand and prove. Make sure in the Maybe example you verify it works for combinations of Nothing values.

  4. Interchange: f <*> pure x == pure ($ x) <*> f. This is a particularly interesting rule, which is equivalent in the realm of normal values to f x == ($ x) f. This is a little tricky at first, but what is happening here is we are partially applying $, the function application function, so $ x takes a function and applies it to x. Once you understand this, this rule is not too difficult to prove.

The following is a simple proof of the identity rule for our Maybe instance. Note that x = Just y.

pure id <*> x
Just id <*> x
-- 'y' because we unwrap the Just in the pattern match:
Just (id y)
Just y
-- Thus, pure id <*> x == x for all Maybe a values x

In practice you may not thoroughly prove all of these rules, however it is good practice to do so, as they can cause strange side effects in very unexpected places if they do not hold. It is because of these rules that some Functor instances cannot have a corresponding Applicative instance; sometimes it is not possible to define an instance which upholds all of the rules.

A word on pure: you may have noticed that it is defined as the default value constructor for Maybe, and (correctly) guessed that pure for lists is the value constructor [] (ie pure x = [x]). Many applicatives do define pure as their ‘default’ value constructor, however this is not always the case. For example, in part four we define a Parser monad and applicative, which is a newtype wrapper for a function. However, the values we embed via pure are normal values, so we cannot define pure as a constructor. Rather we define it as a parser which returns that value and returns its input: pure x = Parser (\cs -> (x, cs)).

The List Applicative Instances

As I mentioned at the start, in some cases it is possible to define an applicative for the same functor in multiple different ways. Lists are a very good example of this, and in fact the standard library includes both possible Applicative instances. The latter uses a newtype wrapper because Haskell does not allow multiple typeclass instances for the same type, and is called ZipList.

When we have a normal function we would like to apply to a list of values, the obvious approach is to apply the function individually to each item in the list. However, when we delve into applicative territory we need a way to apply a functor containing functions to another functor containing values. In this context, that means applying a list of functions to a list of values.

The obvious way to apply a list of functions [f, g, h] to a list of values [a, b, c] is to apply them one-by-one, like zipping two lists into a list of tuples. This would give us [f a, g b, h c] as a result. To deal with differently sized lists, we could take the approach zip takes and terminate when either list runs out (which is why zip some_list [0..] works, which is useful for getting (value, index) pairs). We could implement this fairly easily:

instance Applicative [] where
  pure x = [x]
  (f:fs) <*> (x:xs) = f x : (fs <*> xs)
  _ <*> _ = []
  -- or: fs <*> xs = [f x | (f, x) <- zip fs xs]

Interestingly, this approach similar to zipping is relegated to a newtype synonym called ZipList in the Control.Applicative module. This means if you want to add corresponding numbers in two lists for instance, you would have to write:

import Control.Applicative
main = print (
  let xs = ZipList [0, 1, 3, 2]
      ys = ZipList [3, 5, 2, 7]
      result = (+) <$> xs <*> ys
  in getZipList result)
-- prints [3, 6, 5, 9]

Rather, the default Applicative [] instance takes a different approach – it applies every function to every value, and flattens the resulting array. That is, [f, g] <*> [a, b] == [f a, f b, g a, g b]. Note that you could define yet another applicative instance which returns the transpose [f a, g a, f b, g b], but this is not as useful, and it is simple to convert the output of the former to the latter. The default instance is implemented below:

instance Applicative [] where
  pure x = [x]
  fs <*> xs = concat [ map f xs | f <- fs ]

The reason this is the default implementation is that the list monad instance is derived from this applicative instance, not Applicative ZipList, so ZipList is relegated to a newtype synonym to make using lists as monads easier. It is not actually possible to derive a monad from ZipList, for these reasons.


Once you have your Applicative instances set up for the types you are working with, all you need to do to apply functions to them is write f <$> a <*> b <*> c instead of f a b c. This applies to a normal function f and three values of the same applicative a,b,c. You can change the number of arguments and use a mix of functorial and normal values using the notes below. Just remember the result will be functorial too.

  • If your function is already embedded in your applicative, simply use <*> instead of <$> for the first argument.
  • Note that for one argument, f <$> a is equivalent to fmap f a, as <$> is an infix synonym for fmap. For each additional argument just add <*> arg to the end.
  • If you need to embed something in your functor, just use pure. For example, if you want to write f a b c where only a,c are functorial, and b is a normal value, you can write f <$> a <*> pure b <*> c.
  • If it typechecks and your Applicative instance is correct, it probably does what you expect!

In the next part we will finally take a look at monads, represented in Haskell as the Monad typeclass with functions return and >>=. If you want a head start, then return is equivalent to pure! They are only named differently for historical reasons.

Part 3: Understanding Monads

Source Code: Applicatives.hs